Tuesday, March 30, 2010

me again

Sorry, I really just needed to tell you how much joy that revelation gave me. Actually I don't think it's possible to express it but I'll try. I feel like the weight of the world was just lifted off my back!
It's not my fault. I really did try. It wasn't me being picky, or snarly. It was him, he didn't try even when I told him it really mattered! He didn't try because he didn't care enough. Because he couldn't accept he had faults too. But it isn't about him anymore......FINALLY!
Finally I can lay down the burden of responsibility. Yes I was in the relationship but it wasn't ALL my fault. I wasn't the reason why it broke down and failed.
I am free in my soul. I don't remember EVER feeling this way.
Thank you to whoever was looking out for me and decided to drop that one in my lap! I can live and choose and know I am a good person and I did my best and I am not going to settle for less that I deserve again.

1 comment:

Betwixt Baubles (aka Iris) said...

Also speaking from experience, I have to say that unless his mom is a total bitch from hell and is just a rotten person who deserves to be ignored....the way a man treats and talks about his mom is how he's gonna treat you in the long run. Didn't believe it 'til I lived it.